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Only the dead have seen the end of war.
- Plato

The Story So Far...





With the Conspiracy unveiled, a network of betrayal, implicating fellow teammates, officers, and even the highest-ranking staff corps were uncovered. Layer by layer, another chilling truth surfaced: a powerful new weapon was in the processing of being unleashed.


For the moment the conspirator's plans have been delayed. However, the clock keeps ticking. 

They must thwart the conspirator’s schemes, or else the entire land will be consumed by Hellfire...

May 2025

I had seen war before, but never like this.


The market was in ruins. Smoke billowed from crumbling structures, the air thick with burning flesh and debris. The United Sky Castle had struck hard, attempting to erase the secret they so desperately protected. But war does not end with a single blow. The White Horse Alliance suffered heavy losses, but the survivors retreated—wounded yet determined. They had uncovered enough about the weapon codenamed "Hellfire" to know that the weapon must be destroyed.


Friday 16th

With the market silenced, United Sky Castle forces returned to their main base at F1, confident their enemy was broken. A small recon unit remained at F2, an oversight that would soon haunt them.

Despite the devastating defeat at the Market, with assistance from Scarlet Sector, a new White Horse Alliance assault force began to assemble at F4, made up of new recruits and defectors from the United Sky Castle. The White Horse Alliance interrogation of the third party agent yielded limited intelligence about the weapon, but it was enough. They knew the weapon could not be allowed to launch. I moved with them as they prepared for the assault, the silence before battle suffocating. Then, in an instant, chaos erupted.

The first wave struck fast, overwhelming the recon unit. Gunfire cracked, explosions shook the ground, and the screams of the dying filled the air. Sky Castle reinforcements surged from the F1 toward the Factory, to protect the weapon, turning the battlefield into a hellscape. Neither side could break the deadlock. Each advance was met with equal resistance, leaving the factory grounds a contested graveyard of ambition.

The battle to control “Hellfire” was no longer just about a weapon—it was a brutal clash of wills. As the battle raged on, it became clear: this factory would not fall today, nor would it stand uncontested.

And so, I remain here, pen in hand, chronicling the madness of war. The world may not yet know what Hellfire truly is, but blood has been spilled for its existence, and more will follow. I only hope I live to see how this story ends.



Saturday 17th (9am to 4pm)

The stalemate at the Factory had held through the night, the ruins serving as a grim reminder of the blood already spilled. The United Sky Castle still had a firm grip around the Factory, while the White Horse Alliance licked its wounds and regrouped at F3. But war does not allow for rest, and the battle was far from over.


Let's take a step back…..


….the bombing of the Market from last year had been more than an effort to conceal the existence of Hellfire. It had been a purge. Those within USC’s ranks who opposed the weapon—the so-called “Doves”—had been intentionally targeted in the devastation. But war has a way of turning victims into soldiers, and the surviving Doves defected, offering their loyalty to the White Horse Alliance. With them came an opportunity: a squad of USC loyalists, now embedded within the White Horse Alliance, biding their time.


Now... The time had come.


With a single whispered codeword, the embedded USC agents turned their weapons on their supposed allies. Chaos erupted behind White Horse Alliance lines as trusted comrades became executioners. The White Horse Alliance, caught completely off guard, scrambled to counter the attack. Diverting forces to root out the traitors, their front lines thinned, and the moment of weakness was all USC needed.

The counterattack came swift and brutal. USC forces surged from the Factory, pushing toward the Firebase and Black Site. They needed those locations secured to prepare for Hellfire’s launch, and they struck with the force of desperation and conviction. The White Horse Alliance, still reeling from internal sabotage, struggled to hold the line.

But holding territory was only half the battle. Hellfire’s construction was not yet complete. The weapon still required TWO of the four fuel rod components, hidden somewhere in the Northern zones. Both sides knew it, and both raced against time—whoever found them first would decide the fate of the war.

Amidst the blood and fire, I moved unseen, my pen capturing every betrayal, every bullet fired in anger. 

Saturday 17th (Evening)

By nightfall United Sky Castle was able to secure most of the Northern side, their grip tightening on the warfront, even taking the outpost at F4. White Horse Alliance forces had been driven back, retreating to regroup at F6

With the launch site secure, USC’s mission was clear. The Hellfire weapon required its final pieces: the last TWO of the four missing fuel rod components, which were reported to be at the Southern side of the zone, the targeting computer, and the rocket fuel stored at the Airport. All located toward the lower end of the map—treacherous and riddled with hidden supply caches—held the answers. But they weren’t the only ones searching.

White Horse Alliance forces knew what was at stake. Regrouping at F6, they set out to intercept USC’s progress, determined to deny them their prize. If they could recover the fuel rods first, they could stall Hellfire’s completion. If they reached the targeting computer before USC did, they could sabotage the launch before it ever began. The Airport, a critical resource, became a contested zone—if White Horse could cut off the fuel supply, the weapon would be useless.

I moved with the forces through the ruined landscape, my notebook filled with hurried scribbles as I chronicled each maneuver, each setback. The lower hills turned into a battleground of ambushes and frantic firefights, both sides scrambling to secure the last pieces of the puzzle. USC scoured the terrain, searching abandoned supply caches for the elusive fuel rods, while White Horse forces hunted them down at every turn.

But there were other ways to get what they needed. Rumors swirled of a Merchant lurking in the Market area, a shadowy figure who dealt in war’s chaos. If the USC failed to find the parts, they would have to buy the information from him—assuming they could afford the cost.

The tension was suffocating. Each minute brought USC closer to completing Hellfire, and each second fueled White Horse’s desperation. As dawn approached, the battlefield remained in flux, shifting like sand beneath unsteady feet. But one thing was certain—whoever controlled those final components would control the war.

The clock was ticking, and I could only watch as history unfolded before my eyes.



Sunday 18th 

Dawn broke over the battlefield, the sky streaked with the smoke of burning outposts and shattered hopes. The United Sky Castle had gathered everything they needed—or at least enough to finish the Hellfire weapon. Any missing components could be fabricated with time, but time was a luxury they no longer had. With the final preparations underway, USC forces fell back to the Factory, reinforcing their hold around the launch site.

But the retreat was not without consequence. Sensing weakness, the White Horse Alliance surged forward, reclaiming lost ground all the way back to F3, pressing against USC’s defenses like a tide threatening to break through the dam. The Factory, Firebase, F3, and F2 had become warzones, every inch of ground contested, every corridor a potential killbox.

I moved cautiously through the shifting front lines, the air thick with gunfire and the distant roar of artillery. The Factory— the beating heart of USC’s war effort—had become a fortress. If Hellfire launched, the war would take a devastating turn. However, White Horse Forces hatched a plan to destroy Hellfire before it ever left the ground.

Explosives teams from the White Horse Alliance slipped through the chaos, their mission clear—destroy the missile before it could be unleashed. Meanwhile, USC forces tightened their defenses, determined to hold out long enough to complete the countdown. Every moment mattered. Every second brought the weapon closer to launch—or destruction.

The final battle had begun, and as the sky darkened with smoke and fire, I could only wonder—when the dust settles, who will be left to tell the story?

*BOLDED words provide gameplay related hints*

Story Background

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